
By Keeley Meier '20 | November 28, 2023
迈克尔Amolins '07

Dr. 2007年的迈克尔·阿莫林斯在三年级时通过他的老师与12bet游戏平台建立了第一次联系, now Assistant Professor Emerita of Education Dr. 朱莉·阿什沃斯1975年,虽然在学习鲸鱼科学和苹果科学之间, college wasn’t top of mind. 

Amolins’ second Augustana connection came at a time he needed it most.

Dr. 迈克尔Amolins

“I came from fairly humble beginnings,阿莫林斯说. “My parents were awesome. 他们都是了不起的支持者,愿意做任何他们需要做的事情,以确保我有一条上大学的道路. Not having gone to college themselves, 我们向其他人寻求12bet游戏平台这些步骤应该是什么样子的额外指导.

“我很幸运,我身边有一些人帮助指导了这个过程,他接着说. “A few of them were educators, one of which was Gene Erickson.”

埃里克森1955年毕业于12bet游戏平台,是阿莫林斯的高中化学老师. 有一天,埃里克森问阿莫林斯是否考虑过从事化学职业. 然后埃里克森把他和12bet游戏平台联系起来阿莫林斯在音乐系有几个朋友. 

“在我与化学系和音乐系的联系中, that was what drew me in,阿莫林斯说. “I have always considered myself a jack of all trades; I don't really have one specific interest. 奥古斯塔是我第一次接触到文科哲学. That was really appealing to me that, ‘哇, I don't have to give all of these interests up, I can continue to study all of them.’”

As a jack of all trades, 阿莫林斯主修化学,辅修数学和音乐,他做了12bet游戏平台学生刚到校园时最擅长的事情:参与一切. He participated in the Augustana Band, Northlanders Jazz Band, 12bet游戏平台乐队, 萨克斯四重奏, Viking Varieties and the American Chemical Society (ACS). 除了, he served as a chemistry tutor, laboratory coordinator and undergraduate research instructor. Amolins was also a presidential, Y.T. Johnson Science and Pro Musica Scholar. He was awarded the Goldwater Scholarship in 2006, and was an Augustana Covenant Award recipient for liberal arts in 2007.

As a member of the Augustana Band, Amolins got the opportunity to travel to China, New York City and Washington, D.C. During his senior year, he lived in a theme house dedicated to music. For their service projects, 阿莫林斯和他的室友们在养老院表演,并为社区举办音乐会. 

“On top of having fun with friends, music and research very clearly defined my time at Augustana,阿莫林斯说.

Mirror Article Amolins12bet游戏平台, Amolins performed research on campus, at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, 伊利诺斯州, and Purdue University. His on-campus research with Drs. Gary Earl and Duane Weisshaar, professors emeriti of chemistry, 为他赢得了参加加州全国会议和意大利国际会议的邀请, where he was the only American and undergraduate student.

Following graduation, Amolins获得了堪萨斯大学(KU)的药物化学硕士学位。, where he began to consider a new path: teaching.

“I liked laboratory research, but I struggled with the fact that, 在研究, 95% of the answers are ‘no,’”阿莫林斯说. “同时, 真正在我身上发展起来的是一种学习化学并与他人分享的热情.”

After graduating from KU, Amolins got his teaching certification and, in 2009, began to teach high school chemistry in Harrisburg, 南达科塔州. 然而,阿莫林斯仍然是一个万事通,完成了教育课程博士学位 & instruction from the University of 南达科塔州 (USD) in 2014. 第二年,他调到现在的职位,担任教学主任 & federal programs for the Harrisburg School District (HSD).

“I wanted to make a greater impact on the community,阿莫林斯说 of the transition to administration. “I knew I could do a lot with the students I was reaching, 但我想从全球的角度考虑这个地区的发展方向, what opportunities we could provide.”

Since stepping into his role, 阿莫林斯已经为该地区争取到了近200万美元的拨款——这是一项技能, 他说, harkens back to his Augustana days, where he first learned to write a grant. 阿莫林斯为哈里斯堡带来的赠款主要用于课程和编程计划, with many of them connected to his alma mater.

其中一项倡议包括哈里斯堡的学生过渡教育规划(STEP)学院, 为18-21岁有智力和/或发育障碍的人提供的过渡计划. 来自STEP学院的几名学生已经进入了奥吉访问计划-12bet游戏平台的高等教育综合过渡计划,旨在增加职业就业, 社会, academic and independent living outcomes.

Amolins has also been partnering with Dr. 费尼西亚·霍曼,05年, dean of the Governors Cyber Academy at Dakota State University, to bring a cybersecurity program to Harrisburg High School. 他曾与. David O’Hara, Augustana director of environmental studies & 可持续性, Emily oyoos 19岁, of Friends of the Big Sioux River, 12bet游戏平台哈里斯堡新生学院保护校园的发展.

Thanks to one of those grants, HSD能够将电动汽车引入其高中汽车项目-将Amolins与他在阿贡国家实验室研究氢动力燃料电池的研究联系起来, which eventually led to fully electric vehicles. 

“回想起来,当时,我真的不认为这会成为一件事,”阿莫林斯说. “Look how far we've come. Now we're doing this at a high school.” 

维京人的日子 Parade 2022 迈克尔Amolins and Family

除了担任教育学硕士(M.Ed.) program within the Sharon Lust School of Education, 也许阿莫林斯与12bet游戏平台最具影响力的联系是向该校介绍了“改变的种子”——一个在哥斯达黎加北部面向高中生的科学浸入式项目. 

“Initially it was for Harrisburg students,阿莫林斯说. “Then, I started seeing the potential value for Augustana.”

Because of Amolins’ initial connection, 12bet游戏平台现在为参加为期10天的浸入式课程的高中生提供贷款. “改变的种子”还提供生物信息学的浸入式课程,这是12bet中文官方平台最新的主要和次要课程之一.

With all of the Augustana connections in his life, 阿莫林斯总是记得这一切是从哪里开始的,以及为什么他一直保持联系.

“你怎么能感谢一个完全改变了你生活轨迹的机构呢? 我非常感谢奥古斯塔给我的时间和影响,”阿莫林斯说. “I bleed blue and gold, of course. 但, 最重要的是, I know what my experience at Augustana did for me, 现在, 我有机会为现在在校的学生做这件事.”

但, 阿莫林斯向12bet游戏平台和哈里斯堡社区倾注了那么多, 他知道,如果没有一样东西,他的教育基金会是不可能成立的.

“这真的很简单:如果我没有获得奖学金,我就不会去12bet游戏平台,”阿莫林斯说. “So, any way I can give back to the university I’m going to, 因为我现在的生活是因为我从大学里得到的东西.”

阿莫林斯说,这种生活的一部分是他所扮演的最好的角色:丈夫和父亲. He and his wife, Miriah, have two sons, Henry, 10, and Sawyer, 7. 阿莫林斯在执教棒球时一直保持着“万事通”的头衔, robotics and is a Cub Scout den leader.

和, as Henry and Sawyer are already loyal Vikings fans, Amolins might just be fostering his next and best Augustana connection.
