拉美裔 & 拉丁语AU: 半径标注. 皮拉尔卡布瑞拉 Fonte

拉美裔/LatinX Herit年龄 Month

Augustana understands the value and impact that historically marginalized people have on communities all over the world — recognizing that this university would not be the place it is without these students, 教职员工. In the "At AU" series, the university aims to showcase these exceptional people so we can all hear their voices in an effort to foster positivity and create awareness of their experiences on campus.

半径标注. 皮拉尔卡布瑞拉

对于拉美裔 & Latinx Herit年龄 Month — which is celebrated from Sept. 15日至10月. 15 — Augustana is featuring 半径标注. (Doctora, or Doctor in Spanish) 皮拉尔卡布瑞拉 Fonte, associate professor of Spanish. She teaches courses in the Spanish langu年龄 and Latin American literature and culture. Cabrera Fonte is originally from Mexico City, Mexico, and speaks both Spanish and English. She has served at Augustana since 2010 and is the faculty advisor for La Unión Hispana.

Q: What is/are the reason(s) you chose to come to Augustana?

A: I was first attracted by my department (formerly Modern Foreign Langu年龄s, currently Langu年龄s, 文献 & Cultures) because it has dedicated teacher-scholars, and we get to know our students well. I also loved the international yet familiar character of the larger community at Augustana.

Q: Is there anything you’re passionate about and/or activities you’re involved in outside of AU?

A: My great passion is literature, so this passion follows me everywhere I go. I read because, for me, that is nearly as important as food and water. After that, traveling comes next. If I can go to farther places, 这是美丽的, 如果不是, all I need is a car or bus ticket, or my legs and the company of my dog.

半径标注. 皮拉尔卡布瑞拉

Q: What is it like for you to be 拉美裔/Latinx at AU?

A: It is a privilege because I get to share my interest in this part of the human herit年龄 with my students every day. I have also seen with hope the growth in the number of Latines on our campus. The United States is the second country in the world by number of native Spanish speakers, and my hope is that the Augustana campus, and especially the student and faculty bodies, grow to reflect the importance of our shared Latina herit年龄.

Q: What do you want others to know about your culture? 

A: It is a culture from which DIVERSITY is an essential component (just as DIVERSITY is an ESSENTIAL component of humanity). The 拉美裔 or Latina culture is Black, Native American, European and Mestiza — that is, mixed. Our culture exists in 19 countries around the world that are primarily Spanish speaking, and it also exists here in the U.S., which is as much a part of the Americas as Mexico and Haiti. Also, in Mexico, just to give one example, there are 68 indigenous langu年龄s spoken today.

Q: Is there anyone at AU who inspires you?

(Dr.) Daniel Gerling (associate professor of English), that is why I married him 20 years ago! 和, Karie弗兰克, who always has this sparkling positive energy around her — she is my sister-in-law here in Sioux Falls. 和, so many generous and wonderful students and colleagues.

To learn more about the "At AU Series," visit 奥吉.edu/AtAU.
