

The 西方研究中心 (CWS) is excited to present “野牛:平原之主,” a sequel to the acclaimed 2022 show, “Stallions and Mares: Legends of the Plains.” 这个最新的展览, showcasing the work of more than 35 regional artists, explores the diverse facets of the Northern Plains buffalo. Featuring more than 60 pieces in various mediums, each artwork pays hom年龄 to the buffalo’s significance.

力量的象征, resilience and interconnectedness with the vast landscapes it inhabits, the buffalo holds a distinct place in the cultural herit年龄 of the Northern Plains. 受到美国土著部落的尊敬, the buffalo embodies concepts of abundance, 与自然和谐统一. Plains tribes hunted them as a primary food source, 但认真, 寻找肉的用途, 脂肪, 隐藏, horns and bones of the animals they killed.

As immigrants moved west in the 19th century, commercial hunting interests increased. Professional hunters contracted with railroad companies and 美国.S. military to supply meat for their personnel at isolated posts. The fur trade drove hundreds more market hunters to the plains, and buffalo 隐藏 was used to make everything from industrial machine belts and leather military clothing to fur rugs and coats. 

强烈的狩猎, habitat destruction and climate changes in the 19th century nearly spelled doom for the buffalo. The roaming herds, estimated to have once numbered 30 million, dwindled to fewer than 1,000 by 1888. This decimation served military interests, making it easier to force Native Americans onto reservations. 但, South Dakota ranchers Frederick Dupree and James “Scotty” Philip saved the buffalo from extinction, 通过不断的努力, 大约有450个,在美国,大约有5000头水牛.S. 今天.

The buffalo's historical significance, 无论是在生态上还是文化上, 强调其持久的重要性. As you explore the galleries and witness the diverse artistic interpretations, you will uncover the stories that bind the buffalo to the soul of the plains. Building on the success of the horse exhibition, “野牛:平原之主” continues our commitment to offering an enriching and educational experience to further understanding and appreciation of the region.

“野牛:平原之主” opened April 3, 2024, and will run until Aug. 16, 2024. The exhibition is free and open to the public. Viewing hours are Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. 到5点.m. The exhibition is located in the Madsen/Nelson/Elmen Galleries of the Center's Fantle Building at 2121 S. 苏福尔斯的顶峰大道.

The CWS has several display cases throughout the galleries that exhibit materials on a variety of changing themes. 目前的展品有:

政府. 尼尔斯一个. Boe: From the Campaign Trail to the Office

1964年,尼尔斯. Boe successfully ran for the first of his two terms as governor of South Dakota (1965-69). 结合今年的 达科塔会议 在政治上, this exhibit features memorabilia from Boe's campaigns and tenure, connecting his campaign promises to specific policies created during his administration. 海报, 宣传册, 照片, and artifacts were curated by CWS intern Amanda Schlampp from the governor's personal papers and other Boe family papers housed at the CWS.

The 1973 Energy Crisis on Augustana’s 校园

Following an OPEC-imposed oil embargo, a consequence of America’s support for Israel during the Yom Kippur War, 美国.S. faced a major energy crisis in the winter of 1973-74. Facing energy short年龄s and spiking costs, Augustana established a task force to enact energy-saving measures across campus. Students lived with cold showers and darkened hallways, 但我还是很投入, hosting a 2-part symposium to discuss energy issues. This exhibit by CWS intern Joshua Nichols reveals the institutional experience of the crisis through yearbook and student newspaper cover年龄.

The League of Women Voters of Sioux Falls

成立于1952年, the League of Women Voters of Sioux Falls began as a provisional league of the national League of Women Voters, founded in 1920 to encour年龄 informed voting and political action on a non-partisan basis. This exhibit by CWS intern Abby Mitchell explores how the league executes its non-partisan mission and the important role the organization has played in shaping Sioux Falls in the past 70 years. 

The Norwegian Royal 访问 to Sioux Falls in 1939

6月14日, 1939, 王储奥拉夫, 还有他的妻子, 王储妃玛莎, 参观了苏福尔斯. Their visit was part of a 10-week tour of 美国.S. to build goodwill, and to open the Norwegian exhibition at the World's Fair in New York. 当地居民, the royal visit was especially exciting, given the region's deep connections to Scandinavia. 详细描述了那天发生的事情, this exhibit in the east corner of the Nelson Gallery was created by CWS graduate intern Cody Schriever.